The Commission consists of 8 members, 4 appointed by the Governor and 4 appointed by the Legislative Commission.
NRS 281A.200 establishes requirements of member qualifications:
1) Each appointing authority must appoint at least 2 former public officers or employees.
2) Each appointing authority must appoint at least 1 attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada.
3) No more than 4 members from the same political party.
4) No more than 4 members may be residents of the same county.
5) No member may hold other public office or be actively involved in the work of any political party or political campaign.
6) No member may communicate directly with a State Legislator or member of a local legislative body on behalf of anyone other than him/herself or the Commission, for compensation (no lobbying).
7) No member may serve more than 2 consecutive full terms. A full term is 4 years.
To Apply
Below are links to the Governor's website and Legislature's website to download application packets :